
The Shreveport Surgical Society was founded in 1979 by Drs. John C. McDonald, Charles Knight Sr., James H. Eddy, and Michael S. Rohr. In 2003, the society voted to change its name to the John C. McDonald Surgical Society in order to pay honor to the LSU Department of Surgery's distinguished leader and confirm his dominant force in the department, community, and country.


The purpose of the John. C. McDonald Surgical Society is to promote the advancement of the knowledge and teaching of surgery, to foster the fellowship of surgeons, and to encourage the highest standards of medical practice, research, and ethics.


President - Terry Lairmore, MD

Vice President - Navdeep Samra, MD

Board Members

Donnie Aultman, MD Karen Lairmore Terry Lairmore, MD

Navdeep Samra, MD Hosein Shokouh-Amiri, MD Gazi B. Zibari, MD